Prefetching cache records

Following modules and configuration help to keep the cache hot by prefetching records.

Expiring records

The prefetch module helps to keep the cache hot by prefetching expiring records.

This mechanism is activated when the module is loaded and it is not configurable.


Any time the resolver answers with records that are about to expire, they get refreshed. (see is_expiring()) That improves latency for records which get frequently queried, relatively to their TTL.


predict is an experimental module that tries to help keep the cache hot by prefetching records using a prediction mechanism to select records which should be refreshed.

The module can learn usage patterns and repetitive queries, though this mechanism is a prototype and not recommended for use in production or with high traffic.

For example, if it makes a query every day at 18:00, the resolver expects that it is needed by that time and prefetches it ahead of time. This is helpful to minimize the perceived latency and keeps the cache hot.

It will load the required stats module if not present, and it will use its stats.frequent() table and clear it periodically.


The tracking window and period length determine memory requirements. If you have a server with relatively fast query turnover, keep the period low (hour for start) and shorter tracking window (5 minutes). For personal slower resolver, keep the tracking window longer (i.e. 30 minutes) and period longer (a day), as the habitual queries occur daily. Experiment to get the best results.

Example configuration

modules = {
        predict = {
                -- this mode is NOT RECOMMENDED for use in production
                window = 15, -- 15 minutes sampling window
                period = 6*(60/15) -- track last 6 hours

Exported metrics

To visualize the efficiency of the predictions, the module exports following statistics.

  • predict.epoch - current prediction epoch (based on time of day and sampling window)

  • predict.queue - number of queued queries in current window

  • predict.learned - number of learned queries in current window


predict.config({ window = 15, period = 24})

Reconfigure the predictor to given tracking window and period length. Both parameters are optional. Window length is in minutes, period is a number of windows that can be kept in memory. e.g. if a window is 15 minutes, a period of “24” means 6 hours.